作者:admin    发布于:2017-10-22 10:59   

对 1998 年 9 月 1 日后,外商在金坛市投资新办经营期限 10 年以上,出资比例在 50% 及以上,出资金额在 200 万美元及以上的三资企业,从获利年度起,企业所得税二年免征期满后,由市财政根据企业当年缴纳所得税额形成本级财政增收部分,前三年给予全额奖励,后 6 年给予 50% 的奖励。

Preferential Policies Delivered By Jintan

Those foreign-funded enterprises, incorporated after September 1, 1998, with an operational period of more than 10 years, involving a percentage of foreign investment of more than 50% and a contribution of foreign investment totaling more than USD 2 million, shall be awarded in full with increased revenue of the city attributable to the payment of the city's income taxes within the first three years after the expiry of the two years' time limit for enterprise income tax exemption, and 50% over the next six year.



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